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måndag 29 februari 2016

Blue Monday.....

6 kommentarer:

  1. Fina blå bilder som påminner om sommar...

  2. Hi Ulrika,

    So many blue blooms! Thanks for playing today.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  3. Hi Ulrika,

    Such pretty blooms! Thanks for playing today.

    Have a Beautiful Blue Monday!

  4. I am waiting patiently for Springtime to arrive. I am sad today to learn of the passing of Smiling Sally. She was the best hostess for Blue Monday and she truly cared for each person who shared with her even when she was so ill. I will share blue each Monday in honor of her. Going to be hard not to see her here any longer. I thank you for sharing with us and hope your week has been a good one. xo

    1. Oh, I´m sorry, I hade no idée :(
      Ofcorse I will continue to share with you.
      I´m sure yoy´re going to do a great job with Blue Monday <3
