Linking up with
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1. Outside
2. Collection
I collect beautiful moments
3. Tiny
4. Hair
Me befor I cut my hair
5. Hungry
Välkommen till min blogg som tar dig med på en resa mellan himmel och jord. Här får du läsa om vad jag tycker om att göra...mestadels träning, mat, böcker, men framförallt att fota våran vackra natur. Ibland "hettar" jag till ordentligt och skriver om något som som gör mig rädd, irriterad, sårad eller något som helt enkelt gör mig superglad. Ja, här kan du få läsa om precis allt och jag hoppas att du hittar något som får dig att komma tillbaka igen. Välkommen in!! //©Ulrika Landin
Collection is amazing!!
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaI hope your snow is melting ... we have actually had some warm weather and it is so nice. I love your hair before you cut it, but I am guessing it was a lot of work. Very nice series of pictures, Ulrika ...
SvaraRaderaAndrea @ From The Sol
Thank you!
RaderaYes, the snow is finally melting and the spring is here :)
That's a huge difference in hair! I just had ten inches cut off too. I love that you collect beautiful moments. I'm glad you share them with us.
SvaraRaderaThank you!
Raderathatlovely meal certainly would have sorted out any hungry pants and you had lovely long hair. Theblue tiny flowers are lovely. Hope you pop on to see my takes on the words and see you next week.
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaYes, you will see me again :)