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Today I walked in rain and snow. But my camera hade to work anyway.
I found alot of nice and beautiful things.
Välkommen till min blogg som tar dig med på en resa mellan himmel och jord. Här får du läsa om vad jag tycker om att göra...mestadels träning, mat, böcker, men framförallt att fota våran vackra natur. Ibland "hettar" jag till ordentligt och skriver om något som som gör mig rädd, irriterad, sårad eller något som helt enkelt gör mig superglad. Ja, här kan du få läsa om precis allt och jag hoppas att du hittar något som får dig att komma tillbaka igen. Välkommen in!! //©Ulrika Landin
Beautiful photos! It's so exciting to see the first buds of spring, isn't it? You captured so many beautiful scenes. Thank you for sharing them.
SvaraRaderaMy Saturday Snapshot post features hiking in Seattle.
Thank you!
RaderaYes, it´s the firts buds of spring :)
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing...and here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaEveryone of those pictures says SPRING so perfectly. AWESOME!
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaLovely lovely photos. Really amazing! I am ready for spring in my neighborhood also.
SvaraRaderaWhat lovely photos. It is great to see some signs of spring.
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaWow, Spring is a mixed bag where you live - snow, ice, as well as flowers! Once we have a camera, we discover more and more opportunities to use it:) Beautiful captures, Ulrike, and many thanks for showing these for SEASONS! Have a great week ahead!
SvaraRaderaYes, the weather is a "mix" for sure :)
RaderaThank you, and you´re welcome, my pleassure!
What lovely transition photos from winter to spring! It's always nice to see the flower buds poke their heads above ground.
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaThis is a wonderful walk - such pretty photos. I can't believe you still have snow in April.
Thank you!
RaderaWell, I´m sure we´ve got some snow left in May as well :D
What a great series of photos. The purple flowers (?crocuses) are so intense- such a deep colour- so beautiful.
SvaraRaderaThank you!
RaderaYes, it´s crocuses.